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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Achieving Your Goals in Realization

by Pena Gaharu

Goal Realization Self Help Guide

At what time you honestly work to achieve your goals, there is nothing that anyone can say to you that matters. That is the exception of course, of others opinions that you count on. Some people I know have a habit of sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong, and these people often make it difficult to reach your goals, especially if you allow them. That makes me mad when someone buds into a conversation that they were not even a part of. There are always going to be opinions that are given to you that you really don’t want to hear. However, you need to just block them out and focus on what you want to be your goals in life. In other words, you will find areas in your life where people want to voice their opinions to help you along the path of reaching your goals, and sometimes these opinions are controversial. I am going to take the time to tell you about a few goals that I have accomplished in my life so that you will be able to get a basic understanding of goals.

The first goal that I ever made was the goal to graduate. Throughout the whole time that I was in school, my mother told me that I wasn’t going to graduate. The reason she said this was the people that I was friends with. It mad me mad, because I worked hard to make straight A’s on all my report cards and in the end it was only to hear that “I wasn’t going to amount to a hill of beans.” I guess she didn’t believe me when I told her “my friends couldn’t make me do anything that I didn’t want to do.” However, in the end, I did and it felt so good to prove her wrong. See all I had to do was keep my focus on my goal and I was able to achieve it with no problems. Yes, I had to struggle a little making sure not to lose focus but it was worth it all in the end. I also enrolled in the National Guard while I was in school because I wanted to be like my father and serve in the military. Those were big shoes to feel because it was in the Vietnam War but I knew that if I tried I could do anything that I put my mind too. After a year in the guard, I was medically discharged because I had cervical cancer. However, I never lost my faith and I kept going.

That is why it is important that you keep your mind on the important things in life, everyday drama isn’t worth losing grip of your goal. After I graduated high school, I wanted to go to college, but I wanted to take some time off, after all I deserved it. During the time that I took off from school, I met a guy, who is now my husband and I had a baby. Since this totally changed my plans, I wasn’t able to go to college like I wanted to but I was able to enroll in an online course where I could go to school from home and become a medical transcriptions and I am still working on this right now.

The point of this whole article is to let you know that no matter what comes up in your life, you can reach your goals. All you have to do is keep looking ahead and never look back, no matter what. The things that you done in the past don’t matter today, they are in the past leaving them there.


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